Fair Lawn DWI Lawyer

Map of Bergen County with Fair Lawn highlighted

Fair Lawn is one of the most populated municipalities in Bergen County and this correlates with a high number of DWI offenses in the town. Many individuals are charged each year for driving under the influence and related charges each year within the jurisdiction. If you had the mishap of being stopped and subsequently arrested in Fair Lawn, our team of New Jersey DWI Lawyers are well suited to defend you. Our eight member defense staff includes several former prosecutors, attorneys with over 100 years of combined experience, and training in this area of law that is exceptional. While there may be considerably less than 10 in the state who hold a certification on both the Alcotest and as instructors in Field Sobriety Testing, we have three at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, who hold these credentials. For immediate assistance from a lawyer at the firm, call our Hackensack Office at 201-592-1113. The consultation is free of charge.

DUI Charge in Fair Lawn Municipal Court

Although its been sited as one of the 10 best places to live in New Jersey, Fair Lawn nevertheless has more than a few DUI charges each year. Route 4 is certainly the major source of drunk driving arrests although local roadways like Fair Lawn Avenue are also fertile. Whether you were charged with DWI on these or another location in the municipality, your charge will ultimately be handled in the same place, namely, Fair Lawn Municipal Court. The court is located at 8-01 Fair Lawn Avenue, Fair Lawn, New Jersey 07410 and convenes every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. and the second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. The judge who presides over all of these sessions is Honorable Steven C. Schechter, with Clare M. Cabibbo, CMCA, overseeing daily administration of the municipal court. The municipal prosecutor is Marc Ramundo, Esq.

Photograph of the front of the Fair Lawn Municipal Court The court has limited discretion in DWI cases unlike many other types of violations. These restrictions include a prohibition from permitting a dismissal or downgrade unless there exists a genuine flaw in the prosecutor’s case. Plea bargaining is strictly barred so it is absolutely imperative for you to present a legitimate legal issue that precludes a valid conviction. You must meet this threshold or face a mandatory driver’s license suspension, fines, surcharges, community service, ignition interlock and even jail. A revocation applies for even a first offense and all of these penalties escalate rapidly for a second offense. A 180 day county jail term is required if you are convicted of a third offense. Your best weapon in combating the risk of these penalties is clearly to hire the most skilled attorney you can afford.

Fair Lawn NJ DUI Attorney

A finding of guilt under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 carries significant consequences as you can see. An attorney who has the ability to effectively attack a DWI, DUI or Refusal charge is crucial if you want to avert losing your license and a host of other ramifications. The lawyers at our driving under the influence defense firm are equipped with the tools required to help you in this regard. For an immediate free consultation with a lawyer on our staff, call us at 201-592-1113 anytime 24/7.