If you were charged with DWI in West Windsor, you certainly have plenty of company. The police in this Mercer County municipality issue approximately one-hundred DUI offenses annually with a large percentage arising along the stretch of U.S. Route 1 serving the township. The assumption is that you or a loved one was arrested for this violation given that you are doing this reading. What our attorneys can tell in this regard is that you need to do your research carefully because the only way you are escaping the penalties under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 is to win your case. The lawyer you choose will be the biggest weapon you will possess in reaching this goal as you must persuade the court that the charge is fatally flawed in order to avoid a conviction.
The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall is ready to put all of its considerable resources into motion to help you avert a guilty finding. Our team of DWI attorneys has over 100 years experience defending drunk driving in West Windsor and elsewhere with many members having previously served as prosecutors. We also happen to offer representation from individuals with exceptional training in this area of law. Three of the partners are among the ten or less stateside who hold dual certification on both the Alcotest and as instructors in Field Sobriety Testing by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. For a immediate free consultation, call our Princeton Office at 609-683-8102.
West Windsor Municipal Court
Original jurisdiction to decide DUI charges issued in West Windsor rests with its municipal court. The West Windsor Municipal Court is located at 20 Municipal Drive, West Windsor, NJ 08550. For directions to the court click here. The municipal court and the Court Administrator, Nancy Griffin, can be reached at 609-799-0915. Court sessions are conducted every Wednesday beginning at 12:45 p.m. Honorable Kenneth W. Lozier is the judge that presides over all proceedings including arraignments, motions and trials. The state is represented by Jeffrey Rubin, Esq.
There are certain requirements that must be met in conjunction with the processing of your DWI by Judge Lozier. In this regard, he must impose the penalties outlined in N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 unless you successfully attack the prosecutor’s case. This means you will be subject to a 3-12 month loss of your license, over a thousand dollars in fines and assessments, a $1,000 annual surcharge for three years and other consequences for a first offense. For a second offense or third offense the penalties escalate with a 2 year suspension and 2-90 days in jail, and 10 year suspension and 180 days in jail, respectively.
West Windsor DUI Lawyer
Although Forbes ranked West Windsor as one of the most affluent neighborhoods in the country, the town obviously is not immune from driving while intoxicated. Triple digit arrests are made every year within the 26.27 square miles for DUI. If you were issued a summons for violating 39:4-50, you need to take the offense seriously. Failure to present a potent defense will result in terrible ramifications that start with a revocation of your privilege to operate a motor vehicle. The NJ DUI Defense Attorneys can help you escape these types of penalties. A lawyer on our team is available now to assist you at 609-683-8102.