Union City NJ DWI Lawyer

A Union City, New Jersey DWI offense has serious and long-lasting ramifications. You could be looking at heavy fines and fees, license suspension, more costly insurance premiums, and possible jail time. But don’t despair. With the right DWI Defense lawyer, your outcome may not be quite that bleak. That’s where The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall comes in. Our accomplished legal team has a long history of successfully fighting New Jersey DWI charges.

DWI Arrests in Union City, New Jersey

Densely populated Union City is situated on the Hudson River a mere three miles from New York City. Regular travel between the two cities results in a large number of DUI stops and citations. In fact, the city sits right outside of the Lincoln Tunnel and is bisected by Route 495 which carries a constant flow of traffic and contributes to the traffic stops. Police are specially trained and know what to look for to target suspected drunk drivers. If you are cited for drunk driving, you will be arraigned in the Union City Municipal Court. You may also receive additional associated charges like careless driving, speeding or refusal. The smart move is to retain a skilled DWI attorney far in advance of your court appearance. This gives you valuable time to mount an aggressive defense. Moreover, with the counsel of a competent attorney, you won’t inadvertently lose the right to assert any applicable constitutional protections at your first appearance.

Our Union City DWI Attorneys

When you are fighting charges as serious as DWI/DUI in New Jersey, it’s crucial that you do so under the counsel and guidance of an attorney who has specific skills and extensive knowledge of New Jersey’s DWI laws, prosecutorial methods and court procedures. The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall more than fits the bill. The lawyers on our DWI Defense Team have worked for the other side as prosecutors. They understand how the system works, and they are familiar with the tactics the state uses when prosecuting a DWI charge. Our team also includes five of the only fifty attorneys in all of New Jersey who are certified to maintain and operate the machines used to test the blood alcohol level of a suspected intoxicated driver. Our team is good, and we use every advantage to fight your DWI-related charges. If you’ve been cited in Union City for driving while intoxicated, go with the best. Call The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall before you appear in court. Our phones are open 24/7. So, call today to schedule a free consultation immediately.