Somers Point DWI Lawyers

Somers Point is one of the smaller towns in Atlantic County at measuring 5.16 square miles but you would have little indication of this fact if you considered the total number of DWI offenses issued there annually. The city is the nucleus for an extreme amount of DUI charges with the Garden State Parkway being the biggest source of arrests. Whether you have been charged with your first offense in Somers Point or you are someone with a prior conviction for driving under the influence, you need to gather your thoughts and secure skilled representation. The truth is that while plea bargaining will be unavailable as a means for resolving your case, a learned attorney can help you avoid a conviction.

The lawyers at our firm, The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are successful in achieving dismissals of driving while intoxicated (a.k.a. “DWI”) summonses far more than you imagine. There is little doubt that these results are derived from not only our unwavering commitment to obtaining the very best outcome for our clients but also our exceptional training and experience. We have over 100 years combined experience defending and former serving as prosecutors of DUI charges. Our attorneys are also among the handful in the entire state who are dual certified on the Alcotest and as instructors in field sobriety testing by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. If you were arrested in Somer Point for DWI, we certainly have the tools to insure you have every opportunity to escape the penalties that apply under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50. For an immediate free consultation with a lawyer on our team, call 855-450-8310.

Arrested for DUI in Somers Point New Jersey

Motorists arrested for DUI often jump to the conclusion that a conviction is inevitable. This simply is not the case for those who choose our lawyers to defend their Somers Point DWI charge. You have many potential defenses including, but not limited to, challenging the motor vehicle stop as improper and fighting admissibility of the breath test reading or laboratory test of your blood. The point is that this is not a situation where you should be rolling over but rather making certain that you hire a lawyer that is equipped to succeed on your behalf.

Your DWI charge will be handled in the Somers Point Municipal Court which is located at City Hall, 1 West New Jersey Avenue, Somers Point, NJ 08244. The court is open weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and is also available by telephone during these hours at 609-927-9088 (Option 6). Daily operation of the municipal court is the responsibility of Margaret Wismer, Court Administrator. All court proceedings, including trials, motions and arraignments, are conducted with Honorable Howard Freed presiding. Judge Freed is the individual that will decide all issues surrounding your DUI ticket. Proceedings in the Somers Point take place in a Tuesday court session that begins at 5:00 p.m.

Somers Point NJ DUI Attorney

Every N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 offense issued in Somers Point carries similar consequences including a license suspension, fines, surcharges, and even mandatory jail if it is your second offense or third offense. This is the case irrespective of whether the charge stems from alcohol or allegations of impairment from substances like marijuana, Ambien, pain pills, cocaine or heroin. What is pivotal is that you treat the violation seriously and make sure you have an advocate at your side with the tools to insure you are thoroughly represented. This is precisely what a DUI attorney from Marshall, Bonus, Proetta & Oliver can provide. Call us anytime 24/7 at 855-450-8310 to speak to one of the lawyers on our staff.