Piscataway is always one of the top municipalities in Middlesex County for DWI charges. It is probably fair to assume that you have fallen victim to this fact and were charged with DWI in Piscataway NJ. Whether your arrest occurred while leaving a Rutgers Football game at High Point Solutions Stadium, driving down Interstate 287, trying to get back to your dormitory after a late night in New Brunswick or any other reason, our attorneys are well suited to help you. We are the largest DWI defense firm in the state with numerous former prosecutors and lawyers who are dual certified on the Alcotest and in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. Our qualifications are truly exceptional and this is extremely important as there is no ability to plea bargain your Piscatway DUI charge. Despite this prohibition, The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall frequently succeeds in avoiding conviction in driving under the influence cases just like yours. To learn what we can do to help you with a first offense, second offense or third offense in a similar manner, contact us for a free consultation at 732-246-7126.
DUI Arrest in Piscataway New Jersey
Numerous terms are used to describe a violation of N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 including driving while intoxicated, driving under the influence and drunk driving. Irrespective of what you use to refer to the offense, the same law applies and this is the case whether you were arrested for being impaired by alcohol or a drug, for example, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, Ambien or another prescription medication. When a DUI offense is issued anywhere within the borders of the 19.029 square foot township we are discussing here, it is heard in the Piscataway Municipal Court, 555 Sidney Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854. Court sessions are held on Tuesday at 5:00 p.m., Thursday at 9:00 a.m., and on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. Two judges sit in this court, the Honorable Dennis M. Fackelman, (Chief) and Honorable James Hoebich. The Court Administrator is Claudia Santos and her or another member of the staff can be reached at 732-562-2330. It is a bad idea to try to deal with a DWI in Piscataway or any other court in New Jersey on your own and all of this on your own and the judge will even tell you that if such an attempt is made. The law may seem straight-forward, but the possible defenses are extremely complex. An experienced DWI lawyer who is familiar with the legalities of the stop, the tests, the arrest and any potential constitutional rights violations is invaluable to you.
Piscataway DUI Defense Attorney
Our mission is to provide the highest standard of DWI defense to those charged with a violation of N.J.S.A. 39:4-50. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of those accused of DWI in Piscataway and throughout the state. Our attorneys consistently provide aggressive and effective DWI defense strategies. We have over 100 years of experienced combined between the attorneys on our staff and possess specialized training and credentials in field sobriety testing from the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration and by Draeger Laboraties, the manufacturer of the breathalyzer used in New Jersey. This knowledge and education enables us to more easily identify potential errors with the use and application of the various testing that is administered during a DWI stop and arrest. These are important areas from which to devise a strong defense. Schedule a free consultation to discuss the details of your Piscataway, New Jersey DWI arrest. We are ready to provide a truthful review of the facts of your case and to discuss what we can do to assist you.