Howell DUI Lawyer
If you had the misfortune of being charged with DWI in Howell, New Jersey, you are likely aware of the harsh penalties you now face if you are convicted. There is a mandatory driver’s license suspension without any prospect for a work or hardship license, on top of thousands of dollars of fines and even the possibility of jail. This is the case whether this is going to be your first offense, or you are a repeat offender facing a second or third offense. Given the harsh penalties that apply under N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 and the fact that there is no plea bargaining of a DUI charge in Howell or anywhere else in New Jersey, you need to secure an experienced defense lawyer to protect your rights and fight the potential damage to your reputation, livelihood and future. Here at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, we can help you win your DWI offense in Howell, relying on decades of experience and training. We are former prosecutors, even having served in Howell in the past, who are among a small group of attorneys in NJ that are dual certified on the Alcotest 7110 Evidential (a.k.a. breathalyzer) and in Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (“SFST”). Colin Bonus and Jonathan F. Marshall are also among a handful of lawyers who are certified as instructors in SFST. When you combine qualifications like these with the fact that our team has over 100 years of combined experience and you have a potent prescription for insuring that you having the very best opportunity for avoiding a conviction for driving under the influence (i.e. alcohol or drugs). Call us 24/7 for a free consultation at 732-450-8300.