DWI Charge in Hasbrouck Heights New Jersey

Hasbrouck Heights may be a municipality in Bergen County that is one of the smallest and least densely populated in the state but you would not know it from DUI statistics. This Bergen County municipality is consistently in the top third for DWI charges. The lawyers at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are well aware of this inconsistency given that we handle as many of these violations as any firm in the state. If you were charged in Hasbrouck Heights with driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, an attorney on our team has the tools you need to escape a finding of guilt. Indeed, while there may only be a small group of less than ten in New Jersey that are dual certified on the Alcotest breathalyzer and as instructors in Field Sobriety Testing, we have three lawyers within this category. Our New Jersey DWI Firm also features several former prosecutors and a staff of attorneys with over 100 years of collective experience. To speak to an attorney on our team in a free initial consultation, call our East Rutherford Office at 201-933-4472.
Hasbrouck Heights Municipal Court DWI Offense
Unless you were in an accident which resulted in injury or an indictable criminal charge otherwise resulted from the DWI stop, your offense will be heard in Hasbrouck Heights Municipal Court. The courthouse is located at 248 Hamilton Avenue, 2nd Floor, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604. Court sessions are conducted every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. with Judge Joseph Jones presiding. The Court Administrator is Susan Paul. Ms. Paul and the other members of the municipal court staff can be reached at 201-288-3117. The prosecutor is Rosario Presti, Esq. All scheduled court appearances are mandatory in a N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 case.
It is important that you secure legal representation as soon as possible if you are facing a DUI in Hasbrouck Heights. There is no ability to obtain a dismissal of the charge or negate the mandatory penalties unless you can convince the prosecutor and judge that there is a legitimate flaw in the case against you. There is no ability otherwise to save you from consequences that include a license suspension of 3-12 months for a first offense, 2 years for a second offense or 10 years for a third offense. The fines, jail, surcharges and other penalties that apply in the event of conviction are also significant. You will have to persuade the court that the prosecutor is unable to prove the DWI charge in order to avoid these ramifications. A skilled defense attorney is your best vehicle to achieve this goal.
Hasbrouck Heights NJ DWI Lawyer
At The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, our lawyers can offer you qualifications that are rare in the state. We have over 100 years of collective experience with advanced training that few in the state possess. To speak to a lawyer on our defense team about your case in Hasbrouck Heights, call our Office in East Rutherford for immediate assistance. We can be reached 24/7 at 201-933-4472.