Cinnaminson NJ DWI Attorney

Charged With DWI in Cinnaminson Township

Google Map With Cinnaminson Township highlighted

Being charged with a DWI in Cinnaminson is a serious matter that requires a knowledgeable attorney. Failure to mount a winning defense will results in severe penalties if you are found guilty in this Burlington County municipality. You will also be faced with an inability to utilize plea bargaining to downgrade the charge since this practice is illegal in New Jersey in resolving a DUI. This should serve as the clearest indication that you will require representation by the most skilled attorney you can find if you want to have the best opportunity to keep your driver’s license and avoid other life altering penalties.

The lawyers at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are well suited to serve you in this capacity. We are the largest NJ DWI Defense Firm, possess over 100 years of combined experience, have several former prosecutors on staff, are have provided our attorneys with advanced training that few in the state can match. This are the types of qualifications that you need to be looking for as there is no ability for the judge or prosecutor to allow a dismissal of your DWI offense without a legitimate defect in the case. An attorney our firm is available immediately to discuss your case in a free initial consultation by calling our Mt. Laurel Office at 856-234-8900.

DUI Offense in Cinnaminson Municipal Court

Photograph of the Cinnaminson Municipal CourtThe police in Cinnaminson Township write upwards of one-hundred DUI offenses each year. While there is little doubt that U.S. Route 130 is the biggest source of DWI violations in the municipality, arrests are also made on local streets like River Road and Union Landing Road. All of these charges are heard in Cinnaminson Municipal Court. The municipal court is located at 1621 Riverton Road, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 and can be reached at 856-829-4027. The Court Administrator, Jacqueline K. Gleason, CMCA, is responsible for daily operation of the court weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Three court sessions are conducted each month on the first Monday at 12:00 p.m., third Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. and fourth Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. The Honorable Richard E. Andronici presides over all first offensesecond offense and third offenses for DWI/DUI coming before the municipal court. The prosecutor representing the state in all proceedings is Daniel Gee, Esq.

Cinnaminson DUI Lawyers

Our lawyers receive many calls each month from individuals who have just received a driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol ticket. A common yet reoccurring mistake made by the inquirer is that your best option is the guy with the office next door to the court. This is biggest fallacy DUI lawyers like us and you face in the wake of an arrest. As stated earlier, there is no plea bargaining permitted in a DWI case so there must be identification of bona fide legal issues or nothing can be accomplished in terms of reducing the charge. Skill and a commitment to obtaining the very best result is what is pivotal in success in this realm. Our attorneys have exemplary qualifications in this regard and are ready to put their resources into action for you. A lawyer is available immediately to discuss your matter at 856-234-8900.