West Milford is the fifth most populated municipality in Passaic County and this is a major contributing factor for the high number of individuals arrested for DUI. The township is consistently near the top of the rankings with over one hundred DWI violations issued annually. When you consider this fact in combination with the lack of almost any major roadways in the town, you have a clear indication of the aggressiveness of the W. Milford Police Department in targeting drunk drivers. Call our Wayne Office for immediate assistance if you are facing a charge in West Milford. Our staff of former prosecutors and dual certified attorneys is ready to put its knowledge and skill into action for you. We can be reached any time of day or night for a free consultation via email or by calling 862-203-4070.
Charged With DWI in W. Milford New Jersey
There is approximately 198 miles of roadway in W. Milford for individuals to be charged with DWI. The total for the one year period ending June 2015 was 105 violations and this is typical. Whether the your offense is a first, second or third, it will be dealt with in the same place – West Milford Municipal Court. The court is located at 1480 Union Valley Road, West Milford, NJ and its hours of operation are weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Hearings are conducted on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. and Thursday at 2:00 pm. The Court Administrator is Michele Walker with Dana Parrello serving as her Deputy. The Judge is the Honorable Joseph C. Perconti. The official website of the municipal court is located here. You may also visit them on Facebook by clicking here.
Judge Perconti lacks any ability to relax the mandatory minimum penalties set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 if you are found guilty. There is no provision under the law that will allow a work or hardship license, relief from annual surcharges or you to avoid jail if it is a third offense. The penalties must be imposed if you are found guilty. Accordingly, you must mount an effective defense if you want to avoid these consequences. The first step in this process is obviously to secure representation from the best lawyer you can afford. We are positioned extremely well to assist you in this capacity as a firm whose DWI credentials are arguably unparalleled.
Highly Experienced West Milford DWI Attorneys
New Jersey Law makes plea bargaining of DWI charges illegal so the level of skill possessed by the attorneys you hire is of paramount importance to your success. It is not about political juice or some other perceived favor that yields results but rather savvy in defending driving while intoxicated offenses. The team at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall has an exceptional level of training and experience in this area of practice. This is a primary reason why our firm has such an extensive track record of securing favorable outcomes. To speak to one of the lawyers on our staff, call our office at 862-203-4070.